3 Tips to Fostering Independence During Diaper Changes

Fostering independence in babies during diaper changes sounds a bit funny, I know. It sounds funny as I am writing it! Aren’t diaper changes supposed to be getting my baby fresh and clean with some potential great interactions and moments?!

And the answer is… Yes! To all of the above! But also, diaper changes are great opportunities to start giving your baby those opportunities to start to recognize and make those mental connections that they are capable little beings! We can begin to foster their sense of empowerment and love of learning by fostering independence during diaper changes. Such a funny concept, huh?

Let me tell you, I have seen this idea proven true over and over in my work with infants over the years. After my years of research and studies learning and implementing the developmental optimization of each experience in infancy and toddlerhood, I thought I would give you the 3 Tips to Begin Fostering Independence in Babies During Diaper Changes, so you have the opportunity to consider using some of these tools too!

Thinking back, I have changed so many diapers over this last decade working with infants. It makes me literally laugh out loud thinking about just how many diapers I have changed over the years. Ha! Which means that I have had many many MANY experiences giving babies opportunities to be involved during diaper changes. I even get very small babies as involved as developmentally appropriate. You would be shocked at just how stimulated and reactive tiny babies are in those moments! And I mean even starting from day one friends!

So here they are! The 3 Tips to Foster Independence in Babies During Diaper Changes:

Tip #1: Talk to Them About What You Are Doing

The best way to start fostering independence during diaper changes is by talking to them about what exactly is happening during that diaper change. I’m saying down to “I am going to lay your body down. I am going to open your diaper. I see you have a bowel movement! Let’s grab wipes to clean your poo off your body.” Can you see yourself saying this type of stuff?!

Honestly, when I first entered this field and began working with babies my answer was no to this question. It felt so strange to literally tell my babies what I was doing. I was so accustomed to handing them toys or singing a bunch of songs as a means of distraction! Well, now I don’t even think about it anymore! It just happens when I am changing diapers.

What I have learned is that part of the reason that our babies get so squirmy during diaper changes is that we have a tendency to just try to get it done, without involving them. They lose all control and begin to assert their wills! Which brings me to my next tip…

Tip #2: Involve Your Baby in the Diaper Change

Getting our babies involved in the diapering process can look like many different things. For a sitting, crawling, and walking baby, that may mean letting them choose between 2 different diapers or that may even mean slowing down, modeling (showing) how to open their diaper, and allowing them to try opening their diaper themselves.

Getting them involved in this process teaches them such a sense of empowerment, which will stay with them as they grow and learn more about their place in our crazy but beautiful world. It also shows them that we are giving them every opportunity to know and learn, which helps foster their love of learning!

Tip #3: Let Them Do What They Are Capable Of

We are all guilty of just trying to quickly get through diaper changes. Believe me, I am just as guilty as the next person. I definitely know that not every diaper change will be beautifully involved. But every moment and attempt counts… so try this out friends! It may be just the tool that you’re looking for.

When I say “let them do what they are capable of”, I mean that if they are able to open the wipes and pull one out, let them pull the few out that you are going to be using! If they are older and able to make decisions, give them a choice between the diaper with the flower and the diaper with the sun, and allow them to try to open it. If they are 6 months and newly sitting, let them pull up to a sit after their diaper change is finished instead of just quickly grabbing your baby and moving on.


Basically, what I mean by all of this, is that by starting to incorporate these tips during the diaper process, we make these diapering moments not only a moment for cleaning and connection, we optimize these moments as learning experiences for our babies! So why not, right?

As always, I wish you all the best during your journey through the world of babies!


Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide

Ps… My favorite diapers lately have been the Bambo Nature Diapers! They seem to hold the baby’s pee and poo super well, and also are all natural and eco-friendly! And you know me… I am all about the purest products for our purest little beings.