5 Tips to Create a Montessori Baby Reading Area

I always loved setting up my Montessori Baby Reading Area back when I had my classroom! I loved that there was a special reading area specifically designated for my babies and me to relax, discover and connect through our books.

So as I am sure you have guessed, I love to read! And I definitely think there is something truly magical about a good children’s book. One of my favorite pass times is strolling through the children’s book area of my local Barnes & Noble! Finding a new book for my class collection is one of those simple but sweet joys in my life.

On top of that, there are so many developmental benefits to reading from the start! Reading with your baby (or babies) creates such healthy habits and lays a strong foundation for their development of language. One of the best ways to make reading a part of your routine is to create a reading space. So let’s dive into my 5 Tips to Creating the Perfect Montessori Baby Reading Area.

Tip #1 Have an Accessible Book Basket or Book Shelf

One of the main ideas behind this reading area is that the books are accessible to our babies. For example, there are definitely times when a child wants to take a break from their wooden Materials or activities. With the reading area, they can slither, crawl, or walk to their book corner and relax. The accessible basket or shelf also offers your baby the opportunity grow into consciousness recognizing that reading is fun and that they chose to read all by themselves. :))

I added a link to one of my favorite book baskets here.


Tip #2 Designated Book Area

Kind of like I mentioned above, having a designated area for books offers a daily opportunity to cuddle and read with your baby! Not only that, but it is a very Montessori Idea for everything to have a specific purpose. And this reading area helps your infant know that when they want to snuggle on some soft pillows and grab a book, that’s the spot to go!

Tip #3 Rotate books

Rotating the books that are in your basket or shelf every couple of weeks keeps things new and exciting! In my experience, babies are more likely to be engaged, listen, and participate if it is something they haven’t yet seen. Anytime I would bring out a new book it was always the hit of the class! That said, there is always going to be that one book that your baby absolutely loves and grabs every time. Definitely keep that one in there!

Tip #4 Textured & Colored Rugs & Pillows

Since our sweet babies are sensorial learners, it is definitely a good idea to fill your reading area with some fun colored & textured pillows and rugs! You definitely may find them feeling the pillows as they flip through their baby books (learning through their sense of touch).

Also, the beautiful reading space is correlated to another Montessori Concept. Maria Montessori presented the idea of preparing a beautiful environment for our children, as she found that children positively respondto a beautifully prepared space.


Tip #5 Embrace the Space

My last and most important tip is to embrace the space! Definitely take and cherish those moments of connecting through literature. And try to make a moment at least once a day to sit and read with your child. Regardless of the time of day, the more often you read, the better. Research shows that reading everyday strengthens pathways of language, which lays a strong foundation for success in school later on.


What are some of your favorite children’s books to read with your baby? Let me know in the comments below!


Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide